Our Workshops & News

Workshop and Panel Contribution by System Logics T.T.,

Gabriele Harrer-Puchner, Franz Gatzweiler and Eugen Tang, in Session II on Oct 24, 2024

The Sustainable Development Forum, Environment and Health in Beijing

organized by Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences and Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences CAS

The forum will comprise four sessions, featuring thematic forums, roundtable dialogues, and exchange activities. The themes focus on environmental health and human well-being. We encourage advocacy for the establishment of a sustainable development model where environmental protection and human health synergistically reinforce each other. Session I:Harmonious Coexistence of Nature and Humanity
Session II:Urban Health and Wellbeing: A Systems Approach
Session III :Industrial and Urban Sustainability
Session Ⅳ:International Youth Forum on "Urban Environment and Health"

Links to Guests: http://sdforum.cn/en/childPage/Guests/content/multyId
Links to Program: http://sdforum.cn/en/childPage/Program/content/multyId

“Dealing with complexity and transformation”

Introductory Workshops in Systems Thinking and holistic System Analysis
Background, methods, tools, practical exercise
Online and on site
Open groups or onsite inhouse.
In 2025 we present new cooperations and workshops in inspiring locations.
Please contact us for the next events: gabriele.harrer@system-logics.com

“Dealing with complexity as a key competence”

Networked thinking and action.
Training at the University of the Federal Armed Forces, May 2024

Joint research project of Architects for Future and System Logics:

„Setting the course for a sustainable future - holistic and interdisciplinary system analysis of the construction and building sector with a special focus on the potential transformation of existing structures.“

The project report will be published by BBSR in January 2025

New workshops coming soon!

Conferences 2024 with contributions by System Logics T.T. GmbH & Network

Projektetage 2024 des BBSR online

Presentation of our research project
“System Analysis Building and Architecture”
12. - 13. März, online (German)

Systems Thinking

Guest lecture at Applied University for Vorarlberg
Mastercourse of Prof. Willy Kriz and Prof. Werner Manahl
April, 4, 2024

System Logics T.T. GmbH is invited to participate at the

2024 World Science and Technology Development Forum

By China Association for Science and Technology on October 23, 2024

“Sufficiency – the human scale”

Jahrestagung 2024 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Humanökologie
May, 23 - 25, 2024
Download Flyer

Umgang mit Komplexität als Schlüsselkompetenz.
Vernetztes Denken und Handeln.

Training an der Universität der Bundeswehr im Mai 2024

“SDGs and Holistic System Analysis”

Save the date: contribution by Gabriele Harrer-Puchner and Emil Underberg
Entrepreneurship Summit Berlin 2024
Oct, 12.- 13.2024, Berlin and online

Commented Links and Sources

Frederic Vester:

Die Kunst, vernetzt zu denken.
Ideen und Werkzeuge für einen neuen Umgang mit Komplexität

Ein Bericht an den Club of Rome.
DVA, dtv Munich, 12 ed. 1999-2019. New at Phanteon Verlag, Munich, 12. Ed.. 2019.

English version of Frederic Vesters book “Die Kunst, vernetzt zu denken”:
The Art of Interconnected Thinking. Tools and concepts for a new approach to tackling complexity.
MCB Verlag, Munich 2007.

Göllinger, Thomas und Harrer-Puchner, Gabriele (2022):

Bioökonomie aus Perspektive der Biokybernetik

In: Heupel, T., Jeschke, B.: Bioökonomie. Impulse für ein zirkuläres Wirtschaften. SpringerGabler, FOM. S. 57-89
(«Bioeconomy from the perspective of biocybernetics»)

Leonard, A., Scholte, T., Shepherd, K., Truss, J., (2021):

Cybernetics Approaches and Models

In: Metcalf et al., (eds): Handbook of Systems Sciences. Springer Nature, Singapore
(Contribution by Allenna Leonard. Frederic Vester’s Bio-cybernetic Planning and Management
Approach of the Sensitivity Model. Methodological Background. See p. 75-78)


“Pre-Summit for futures”

Entrepreneurship Summit Berlin, 2023